The Religious Nationalisms Project and Anti-Racism Resources

“The Religious Nationalisms Project” (TRNP) is a national initiative designed to convene, educate, train, and mobilize faith communities in response to the rising threat of religious nationalisms in the United States. It is an initiative of the Federation for the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America and the New York State Council of Churches. 


“The Religious Nationalisms Project” (TRNP) is a national initiative designed to convene, educate, train, and mobilize faith communities in response to the rising threat of religious nationalisms in the United States. It is an initiative of the Federation for the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America and the New York State Council of Churches. 

Local religious communities, with their inherent diversity and extensive reach, are uniquely poised to confront and counteract religious nationalisms.

The Religious Nationalisms Project (TRNP) equips religious groups with proactive strategies to safeguard religious freedom and advance justice for all, irrespective of faith identity. By leveraging collective strength and diverse perspectives, faith communities build and model inclusive, resilient alternatives that uphold fundamental human dignity, human rights, and social harmony across different faith traditions.

The Religious Nationalisms Project aims to help houses of worship of all faiths to discuss and evaluate where and how religious nationalism functions in their communities, nationally, and globally. This is a joint project of the Federation for Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) and the New York State Council of Churches. 

Resources and Actions on Hindu Nationalism and Supremacy in India and the United States

NYSCOC asks Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams to refuse Islamophobic Float in India Day Parade August 18, 2024.

A similar appeal from the Federation for Indian American Christian Organizations of North America was picked up by

Christians across the theological spectrum are increasingly speaking out. Please read the recent letter from Over 300 American Christian Leaders Appeal for Indian Religious Minorities initiated by Neal Christie, Peter Cook and Pieter Friedrich.

Religious Minorities and Transnational Violence: A Seminar Sponsored by Sikh Assembly, Peter Cook and Neal Christie, and full video with Pieter Fridiech, Congressman Greg Pence (R-IN), Simar Singh, and USCIRF Commissioner, and Asif Mahmood. Click here for more pictures and background on this event.

India Day Parade delights thousands in NYC. Here's more on a float that sparked controversy.

Ram Temple tableau prompts Indian Muslims of North America to withdraw float from NYC parade

Resources and Actions on Jewish Supremacy Palestine/Israel and the United States

'Deeply Disturbing' NYU Policy Change Equates Anti-Zionism With Antisemitism

Lecture by The Reverend Dr. Munther Issac, Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, at The Riverside Church, Silence is Complicity, August 14, 2024

Resources and Actions on Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism in the United States and Select Countries

Support for Christian Nationalism on All 50 States: Findings from PRRI’s 2023 Values Atlas

A Pithy Primer on Christian Nationalism on Tik Tok

Faith and Democracy: Confronting White Christian Nationalism

Resources and Actions on Islamic Nationalism and Supremacy


New York State Reparations Task Force - Press release August 1, 2024

Denominational and Secular Resources to Address Structural Racism 

Related Organizations

Hindus for Human Rights

Indian American Muslim Council

International Religious Freedom and Human Rights

United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

International Freedom Secretariat 

India Working Group

Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD)

Coming Events


Nurture the Soul: A conversation with member ministries of the UCC Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM), United Black Christians, August 8, 2024 at 3:30 PM. 

Silence is Complicity - Wednesday August 14, 2024 at 7PM

Nurture the Soul: A conversation with member ministries of the UCC Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM), Colectivo de UCC Latinx Ministries,  August 15, 2024 at 3:30 PM

Mennonite Action's next mass call - August 22, 2024 8PM - Join Mennonite Action's next mass call on Thursday August 22nd. This month, we'll hear reportbacks from participants and supporters of our All God's Children's March for a Ceasefire, and from participants of the Interfaith Action for Palestine coalition that mobilized in Washington, DC from July 28-30.


International Religious Freedom Summit - February 4-5, 2025 Washington DC

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with NYSCOC - April 22-May 1, 2024

Recordings of Previous Seminars