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Like thousands of other New Yorkers, Jesus and Maria avoid contacting law enforcement due to fear that such interactions result in deportation and family separation because of their immigration status. Unfortunately, this is not an irrational fear.

A woman who lived in their neighborhood lost her life at the hands of her abusive partner. Everyone in the area knew of the arguments and abuse this woman faced, but no one, including her, called the police due to the fear that one call would result with ICE becoming involved, resulting in detention and deportation.

Their neighbor was forced to make an impossible choice: continue to face abuse at the hands of her partner or be deported to the dangers of her country of origin. Even after the police arrived, Maria and Jesus feared talking to them, as they ran the same risk of being ripped from their families and being sent to dangerous conditions.

We can ensure our communities feel safe and protected when interacting with local law enforcement by passing the New York for All Act! This bill would stop ICE and local law enforcement from collaborating, potentially saving thousands of people, like Jesus and Maria’s neighbor, as they and the people around them would no longer have to choose between being separated from their families or losing their lives.

We are mobilizing next Tuesday May 14 to demand our legislators pass the New York for All Act NOW—so no child or parent lives with the fear of being separated from their loved ones anymore.

Demand Your Representatives Protect Immigrant NYers!

By eliminating the opportunity to collude with ICE and reducing the public’s fear of interaction with local law enforcement, the New York for All Act will strengthen our communities and increase public safety for all.

We need every voice to ensure our tax money is spent on ensuring our communities thrive—not to fuel cruel anti-immigrant agendas. It takes less than a minute to create secure communities for ALL New Yorkers. How will you show your support this legislative session?

Demand Your Representatives Protect Immigrant NYers!

In Power,

Murad Awawdeh
President and CEO

See Maria & Jesus' story here.

Take Action Today!